Sustainable Development
at CXI

The Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovations is aware that it is essential for the sustainable development of society to behave responsibly in the areas of economic management, social development and environmental care. Therefore, social responsibility is an integral part of our institutional culture. As a responsible part of TUL, we respect the interests of both employees and customers, suppliers, research organizations, providers of funds, business partners and the wider public.

Monitoring monthly consumption at CXI (Building 'L'):

* March 2024: water meter replacement
CXI was awarded a positive sustainability assessment within the SAQ questionnaire (Self Assessment Questionnaire, i.e. self-assessment questionnaire of corporate social responsibility (CSR) / sustainability for suppliers in the automotive sector). The questionnaire is required by AIAG (The Automotive Industry Action Group or Action Group for the Automotive Industry), an organization that improves supply chain processes in the automotive industry . The goal of this non-profit organization is to reduce costs and increase prosperity in the automotive industry by improving business processes and activities that are part of the supply chain. Thanks to the fulfillment of the Volkswagen Group's concern requirements, where the minimum requirement is 64%, CXI TUL can now conclude new orders within the concern without restrictions (we reached the value of 68%).
Sustainability Strategy 2030 CXI TUL CSR report for 2023